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Okay, so my current project at the moment is called ORIMORPHOSIS, iv'e been putting this blog of for a while now, i just feel lost, when it comes to blogs, what to click, where to start blah blah blah, (it just dosn't do or look like what i want it too) but with a new college year starting, im going to try...
              Fingers crossed x''

Origami is the japanese word for paper folding.
ORI- means to fold
KAMI- means paper.
It is an art form which has been handed down through many generations.
ORIGAMI- involves the creation of paper forms usually entirely by folding.
Many desiners have used the art from (origami) in their own work

ISSEY MIYAKE 132.5 collection This collection is a series of intricately folded polygons made from sustainable PET. Completely flat on the ground, they transform into geometric dresses once worn.

"The name of the collection 132.5 derivres from the nature of the project as a whole, with each of the digits having a special significance; “1” refers to a single piece of cloth, while “3” refers to its three-dimensional shape. The following “2” comes from the fact that a 3D piece of material is folded into a two-dimensional shape, and the “5” separated by a single space refers to the time between when the folded forms are made and people actually put them on, giving birth to clothing. The numeral “5” also signifies our hope that this idea will have many other permutations."

 MERAMORPHIC-  change in form, structure, appearance, etc.
magical transformation.

metamorphosis, is related in everyday life, from somethinng such as age; getting older.

Origami inspired
André Lima

sandra backlund
fabric manipulation, origami, japan, form

Lady gaga

Natalie portman wearing Givenchy


origami money art. i think these are really cool
 its not only fashion and art which is inspired by origami but also, funiture and house hold subjects such as lamps, seats even stairs.

Gareth pugh

Marchesa Spring 2011