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Deactivation of my facebook account, yeah i deleted it and what but im sure; possitive ill get it back one day in this month, most likely a sunday night, dry.
     But at the moment iv'e just had enough, it takes up alot of my day, and i don't even know why???  just lurking people and seeing what there getting up to, and how much "fun" they seem to be having..
In the company magazine there was an acticle on facebook, the pros- the cons and what not and its proven to make most people depressed then do any good, its all one big popularity contest, who can have the better time then who, who's got more friends, more likes and shit, granted not everyone is like that, but thats what i feel surrounded by when i log in. 

I hate knowing who people are, seeing them out in town and in my head thinking iv'e been on your profile, its so fucking strange, they havn't got a clue im on this planet, i dunno it might just be me. i gotta say though im sure the pedofiles love it, keeping them entertained for hours.

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